About me
evolving in 12 languages.
Many options for contributing and joining.
We have many special editions evolving,
continental, nation for india, pakistan etc.
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COnnect if you are SERIOUS about meaningful cooperation or joining the team.
Do not if you are just browsing around, or so much time involved in your own stuff anyway :) And dont contact us if you are looking for money or a job. We work on volunteer spirit, and have no time for such.
Apart from that - JOIN THE TRIBE!!!!!
A close friend of traditional cultures, spirituality and positive change…
and member of several communities in youth leadership, sustainability sciences, social business, education etc….
I am focussing on amplifying positive change through making GOOD PRACTICES & INSPIRNG EXAMPLES better known to more people. I am developing POSITIVE NEWS MEDIA that make good practices, inspiring portraits, tools for action etc. of the worldaround sustainability movement visible in lively ways.I have been experimenting on an online mag in 15 languages with 350 online volunteers from 70 nations http://pnyv.org, which has now evolved to http://humanity4.org.I am involved in http://Noticiaspositivasradio.com and http://noticiaspositivas.org, producing ready to air 55 minute radio shows, now airing in more than 120 RADIO STATIONS. We are planning for english editions, and also other languages, for other continents.
In early 2009, am focussing on launching the world premiere YOUTH LEADERSHIP MAGAZINE (including youth leadership and sustainability soutions in one, along multimedia content. This is going to be a great magazine, to evolve in 15 languages as I have done with pnyv!, and connected with world leading change communities.) If you like the idea of connecting in content / application / networking, just get in touch!
I am experimenting with a new format on global issues like WATER http://pnyv.org/water; a 77-page Kaleidoscope of what's out there, with, I feel, much different energy, urge and can-do than common theme publications. I would enjoy doing such on different themes, such as Youth Leadership, Urban Living, Learning & Education, Indigenous People (now, that would be a world premiere: positive news from the indigenous world - really needed!).
I have another 20 project-arrows in my quiver that offer similar innovative steps forward in spreading the message and connecting the young generation with us, and some have much bigger impact than the magazines described above. They reach from amplifying volunteer action on local level (globally) through an internet platform (just takes €6,000 to launch) to absolute mega Virtual Reality change the world learning environments for also moderate €100,000 a year, to an equally mega innovative online learning environment on the world's traditional cultures(!), an entryway from exploration to learning to interaction, cooperation and travel.
My teacher training background allows how to format, formulate and interweave the sustainability movement with EDUCATION SYSTEMS through the right linguistic twist and the right alliances, for empowering the one good teacher and the handful of great students in every school with great tools, backed up by UNESCO and a global avantgarde community. This is something so far little achieved, and I hope to see some of this come true in the near future!
Here's me http://zauberhand.org, and here's what I think about omnicultural learning and sustainability and the vibes I like http://cafeweltgeist.org, and here's sort of a bio: http://pnyv.org/eric
My mission as MEN http://www.tortuga.com/eng/decode/index.php lies in spreading POSITIVE VISION; so, that's pretty much in tune with my projects described above :-)
So - I love you people, and am looking forward to interconnect with visionary leaders and practitioners in all sorts of projects.
evolving in 12 languages.
Many options for contributing and joining.
We have many special editions evolving,
continental, nation for india, pakistan etc.
Check it out!
English, German, French, Spanish