About me
Every 30 seconds in Africa a child dies of malaria. (At a time when you read this letter, one child will die!)
There are 10 new cases of malaria every second.
Unlike many serious diseases, malaria is both preventable and treatable, making all deaths from malaria completely unnecessary!
Failing African children are the same as see the children playing on the motorway and keep going!
I found information about malaria and its terrible consequences, when I was looking for where and how can I help the earthquake victims in Haiti. It so astonished me that I could not calm down a long time. Clearly, the population of people die each day from diseases, accidents, from old age, this is natural, we cannot stop it. But when millions of people, and above all children, dying meaningless, simply because they do not receive a basic assistance-it’s really SHOCKING! For comparison – each day 3,000 people dies from malaria, a Haitian earthquake killed about 200,000. That is- each day takes a small earthquake. We cannot change the nature and to protect against earthquakes, but we can stop the senseless deaths from malaria, which requires only small for each of our help.
Internet can to save poor kid’s lives! My idea is very simple-if we each donated a small part of its revenue, we can save millions of children's lives! I believe that it can to work!
When I found this incredible information, I thought about it all night and in a morning I found a solution how I can help save children from malaria deathly. I was in the process of creating the site Vitamins and Supplements and decided- £ 1 (what is in average approximately 40% of my income and approximately 60% of my profit) from every purchase made by this site will be transferred to the Nothing But Nets, founded by United Nations Foundation. (I have set up my team Save Our Souls on Nothing But Nets.)I understand, that I am only a small web site owner, and it is not likely to claim to be partner of your organization. However, I am just one of millions of the same owners, the potential to help those in need of help is extremely high. Thus, if succeed in bringing together the great army of internet marketers, the site and blog owners, users, simply could solve many global problems and disasters, including the fight against malaria.
My goal is very simple-to assemble the blog’s and site’s owners to a community where they come together on a simple idea- If not me, then who? If not now, then when? Together, helping each other, we can cover poor kids![url=http://vitamin-health-online.co.uk/2010/02/meaningless-and-horrible-deaths/]Meaningless and Horrible Deaths[/url]
Every 30 seconds in Africa a child dies of malaria. (At a time when you read this letter, one child will die!)
There are 10 new cases of malaria every second.
Unlike many serious diseases, malaria is both preventable and treatable, making all...