About me
I see many things that are not just right in the world today. However, many people turn a blind eye on it and go their way peretending that everything is all ok. Some people try to voice their concerns for the better of everyone but often suppressed by a minority in power for their self gain. Such situations are evident in most developing countries. Papua New Guinea is blessed with all the natural resources under the sun but the citizens live in poverty. The power brokers have forgotten their prime responsibilities and are more inclined into building their wealth at the expense of simple people who have mandated them. Poverty gap is widening at an alarming rate but nobody seems to be bothered. Corruption is very rife and people are not bothered to take a stand against it in fear of opression. I for one can not make a difference because I have a life to live. However collective effort for form Papua New Guineans and the international community can crumb the inequalities and injustices inflicted on the country by bureaucracts.........I welcome diccussions and ways on how to tackle these problems . I want to live to see a transparent society for all to live in and the future generations.
I see many things that are not just right in the world today. However, many people turn a blind eye on it and go their way peretending that everything is all ok. Some people try to voice their concerns for the better of everyone but often...