About me
Paul shedrack Erhazee is my name, born into the family of 8 children and am the 5th child and 2nd son of the family. i was born October 20th 1984 in Edo state Nigeria in the Church maternity. i attended Army Children primary school and proceed to Saint Gabriel commercial school were i finished my secondary school and got admission into The Polytechnic, Ibadan were i study Accountancy and later join a modeling company were my passion for meeting increased on daily bases and i later volunteer for my self for community work with society for Family Health and i was trained as an IPC conductor and later become their consultant on data collection and presently am the president of my Organization The Youth For Positive Health Control, We are into HIV/Aids, Tb Malaria Community Development.
I am presently working on a something which i will soon post on for everybody to see and give their own comment. it is all about LOVE but in another dimension. WATCH OUT. I am now a rescuerer with youth rescue organization in Nigeria under Organization here in Nigeria and we are into various activities like celebrating world day calender. I am also the a member of coliation of group of youth under the supervision of SFH and a lot of programe we are carying out in our coliatio such as community development, awareness, dance drama and a lot of activities pertaining to health and maternal issue.
I atteneded a secitiazation seminal on stigmatization on people living with hiv and aids. which was sponsor by an international body and was powered by some NGO's in Nigeria, at the workshop we
were giving more talk on how to fight against it. and the right of PLHIVA wrere stated. the essence of the seminal is to empower us to educate our community, peers, relgion leaders, e.t.c. So for that reason i ve set up a group of Youth out of schoo (Mossy and Fossy) on the need to fight against stigma in any form and to be an ambassador of what the are preaching. i am of fo the volunteer used by Nigeria Government on voters registration that was sponored by UNId here in Nigeri. I have also finished a course online on HIV basic and i was given a certificate on 25th janaury, 2011.
Paul shedrack Erhazee is my name, born into the family of 8 children and am the 5th child and 2nd son of the family. i was born October 20th 1984 in Edo state Nigeria in the Church maternity. i attended Army Children primary school and proceed to...