About me
Born in Canada and living in Boston, USA...
I am on a mission to make the workd a brighter, better place.
I am founder of FableVision - a media company dedicated to using technology, storytelling and media to move the world to a better place. We're trying to make classrooms wonderful places to be... more empathy, more time schooling the spirit and soul - less on drilling in useless bits of information.
http://www.fablevision.com/northstar will take you to one of my stories that focuses on actively following your dreams rather than being carried along on a conveyor belt.
I have had the honor or working with Dr. Jane Goodall, collaborating with the Whole Child Initiative, Carnegie Hall youth concerts, Sesame Workshop, Dr. Lynn Meltzer and The Insitute for Learning and Development, as well as collorating with Judy Blume, William Steig, Ellen Potter, and Megan McDonald.
My newest book, The Dot (Candlewick, Walker) is about a girl who says she can not draw and the teacher who unlocks the key to her personal self-expression.
I believe that storytelling is one of the most powerful technologies we have for informing and inspiring.
Be in touch!
Born in Canada and living in Boston, USA...
I am on a mission to make the workd a brighter, better place.
I am founder of FableVision - a media company dedicated to using technology, storytelling and media to move the world to a better...