About me
Media Outreach and Policy Development Team Leader, OneVillage.
Country Director, OneVillage – Nigeria
Co-Founder and Co-Ordinator, GRIN
Olumide is a 27year-old young professional currently working as Career Development & Succession Planning Researcher in one of Africa’s biggest gas concerns. She’s coordinator of Global Resource Information Network, (GRIN), pioneer University Student ICT club that started at the Obafemi Awolowo University (from where she obtained a Law Degree), which helps youths in universities and rural communities develop themselves and solutions to community problems, using ICT as a tool to obtain resources (mainly information) to reach and teach young people in developing solutions. GRIN is present in some other institutions in Nigeria and in two other African countries: Ghana and South Africa. Omowumi works directly to strategize and implement development solutions for Education, Health, and Economic well being (particularly Entrepreneurship & Business development & advisory) etc. in many communities.
Some of her past projects include: "Lease or Leash" (a documentary film which used information, national and international media as resources to appraise systematic environmental and human life degradation in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria). As an Alteq consultant, she worked on CANI (Computer for All Nigerians Initiative (A Microsoft/Intel collaboration under the GAPP auspice); As consultant to Development Associates, Abuja, she worked on STRIDES (a Bureau of Public Service Reforms/USAID project to help potential retirees maximize their impending status by developing entrepreneurial abilities) to mention just a few.
Olumide is a qualified Dispute Resolution (Chartered Arbitrator); and Project Management professional and has a passion for learning and teaching. She’s an in-house trainer at the LRS School of Leadership & Business, a lecturer at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators’ Academy, and recently, a part time trainer/advisor at the University of Lagos and the Lekki British High School.
She sits atop a number of networks and collaborative efforts where Development concerns of Nigerians, Africans, Youths and Professionals are the subject matter: African Youths in ICT4D Network (AYIN), WSIS, and African Youth Parliament. Having represented Nigeria on various platforms to and within the UN, ILO, ITU, NEPAD, WTDC etc. she draws her network far and wide indeed and thrives on these experiences as some of her best and fastest learning channels and uses these in other networks like Teachers Without Borders, Youth Employment Summit, African Youth Parliament, Paris Institute for International and Comparative Law of the University of San Diego of which she’s also an alumnus.
Apart from working on her day job, lobbying and advocating development, Olumide spends her remaining time between family, charities, church (vocalist and violinist), acting (stage dramas at the national theatre), as compère for various events. She reads, writes and watches movies for leisure and is a columnist for some print media in Lagos and by the way, loves playing hostess, especially to foreigners in her home country Nigeria.
She has this to say of herself, “I know I have a mandate, to one, two, three and more persons than I can physically reach right now. I’m striving to fulfill that and in the process, one at a time, live my life to its very fullest. So help me God!”
Media Outreach and Policy Development Team Leader, OneVillage.
Country Director, OneVillage – Nigeria
Co-Founder and Co-Ordinator, GRIN
Olumide is a 27year-old young professional currently working as Career Development & Succession Planning...
English, French, Yoruba, Arabic