About me
A healer, an educator, and a mother.
I am a Dance & Movement therapy practitioner & a trained professional Storyteller. I apply creative art methodologies to educational setup and mental health sphere, conducting workshops. My sessions are...
If I could change one thing about the world...
Erase violence in any form and make the world more empathetic.
Hindi, English, Bengali; Bangla, Portuguese
This is a space for Debashree to share inspiration, information, and opportunities for involvement with global impact.
Debashree has engaged 15 people!
1 |
Ziaul ahsan |
2 |
Zainul Abedin |
3 |
Adham Tobail |
4 |
Farhad Miriany |
5 |
Private4Security |
6 |
Cristina |
7 |
Rebecca Richardson |
8 |
Muyeed Rahman |
9 |
subhash dabral |