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mary jane miller

mary jane miller



" Mary Jane Miller, contemporary iconographer, speaks about her installation, Art for Peace, interfaith art, master teachers and meditation and prayer. The work represents 5,000 years of religious belief, gods and goddesses, philosophers and teachers, 5 continents each with their own worlds religions. The images are Icon Paintings in egg tempera, this Peace installation 2014 is a free standing structure as a traveling exhibit. Our site / gives all the pertinent information about the Art for Peace. Global Ethics and Spirituality are of paramount importance for our future."
"Buddhists’ have used the expression, “become the tree”. The concept is the same without the mind analyzing. See yourself as the tree and, all which is valuable in a tree, along with all of its functions and history, and its life giving properties and beauty. If we can see it in a tree, we can see it in all of life. To see life’s interconnections, we come to see intimately what is peace and common to all. Peace be with you"
Involved me Peace & Conflict
"In the age of a globalized human community and a shrinking world, interfaith dialogue and action is no longer just commendable endeavor but a historical necessity. “The Dialogue Project” does not communicate with words, but through the portraits of those who teach and remind us of the mysteries that are fundamental to our experience of being human. Inter-religious tolerance that encourages understanding, acceptance, respect, celebration and action is essential to our survival. The faith community of today, worldwide has a duty to develop new initiatives and agenda for cooperation throughout our contemporary society."
"Step through the door where we all participate and learn from the oneness we all hold common. Many of you know ”The Dialogue for World Peace" is a beautiful visual history exhibit, created for meditation and prayer which encourages humanity from all religions and beliefs to break free from what divides us. Its aim is to align our thinking with that of great teachers and philosophers promoting peace on earth and the idea we are all one. This modern art iconostasis installation needs to be seen and directly experienced for its valuable messages to be received. Now is the time!"
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