About me
I was born, I live, one day I shall die !
Hi, Ahoj, Ciao, Hola, Guten Tag, Bon jour, Zdrastvuy, Kon ichiwa, Szervusc, Talofa !
I live in Bratislava, Slovakia, where I was born. I'm a 3rd grade student at Economics University and in 2 years I should become a manager (hahaha). Actually, as soon as I finish the school, I'm gonna flee to Australia, Hawaii, Caribbean or Palau. I love sea and hot weather, and I just can't live without these things. Honestly, I *hate* (not really) civilization and all I wanna do is waste my time surfing at some forgotten beach, playing guitar. That's why I'm heading for Australia or Hawaii. In case that all my plans burn down, I'm gonna move to Palau, a country that almost no one knows, and I'm gonna rod there in peace :)
I would like to tell you something interesting about me, but there's nothing to speak about. In the past 3 years (which I consider to be my life, anything before I call evolution) I was just playing guitar, drinking some beer and having good time making stupid things. You know, my university is kind of junk, so I have a lot of time to waste.
During the last year of my life, I started reading poetry, listening to classical music (apart from rock'n'roll and rock, which I still love best) and I fell in love with Vincent Van Gogh. If you like Olivia Newton-John, Elvis Presely, Janis Joplin, Beach Boys, Guns 'n' Roses, Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Neruda, William Blake (or poetry itself), beer, hippies, guitar, piano, GOOD movies, surfing or kidding, we DO have something in common. If you don't like anything of these things, we surely still have something in common and make sure to let me know about you.
See you soon, in my silly little updates !
The one and only Marcel Strbak
I was born, I live, one day I shall die !
Hi, Ahoj, Ciao, Hola, Guten Tag, Bon jour, Zdrastvuy, Kon ichiwa, Szervusc, Talofa !
I live in Bratislava, Slovakia, where I was born. I'm a 3rd grade student at Economics University and in 2 years...
Slovak, English, Spanish, Czech