About me
i love to knit, read, write, eat dessert first and laugh. even though i love to write i can't spell... sorry in advance if i spell words wrong when i write on here. my parents started an interfaith organization when i was nine so i've grown up learning about other people and learning about jews, christians and muslims [other faiths too but mostly the monotheistic ones] because of this and because of certain recent events most of my writing focuses on political and personal events that effect my life and the lives of those around me. i've grown up in a secluded country. one that seems to have ulterior motives but inside that country i live inside an intellectual home that has helped me to grow into someone who's thirst for information never ceases.
i love to knit, read, write, eat dessert first and laugh. even though i love to write i can't spell... sorry in advance if i spell words wrong when i write on here. my parents started an interfaith organization when i was nine so i've grown up...