About me
I enjoy blogging and writing and have a keen interest in health and longevity.
I admire anyone who can think outside of the box and I tend to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.
Some of my other interests are reading, travel,animal lover, organic living, supporter of worthy causes such as the IFAW, NEAVS and the Roots & Shoots program.
Some people I find inspiring are Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. Carol Noone, Gloria Grow, Dr. Ron Paul, Senator Patrick Leahy and anyone who helps to make the world a better place.
Favourite movies are V for Vendetta, America Freedom to Fascism, The Green Mile, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Dog Day Afternoon.
My favorite music is jazz and I also enjoy R&B, soul, some popular music and the British Invasion.
I enjoy blogging and writing and have a keen interest in health and longevity.
I admire anyone who can think outside of the box and I tend to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.
Some of my other interests are reading,...