About me
It is very hard to describe Jochen and so I will start with some keyword which his friends maybe would use to describe him or link with his person:
Big bear, bicycles, black hole, trusty, awkward, renewable energies, wood, foreign countries, high mountains, neurotically diplomatically, XXXL, persistent, big beer glasses, communicative, team ball sports, bad Swabian dialect, sun power.
To prove if these are the correct impression it will be the best way to meet him and get your own view.
Therefore temporally the best place is maybe in lectures of renewable energy systems at the FHTW in Berlin. But it is also possible to meet him at several solar conferences, in his amateur handball team, or cycling around on his bike. In the past you could have meet him in China where he wrote his thesis about the new Chinese Renewable energy law, or on other internships or on bike trips in several other countries. His first sheltered 20 year he spend in a tiny village between vineyards and a nuclear power plant. The wine and the power production followed him till now. He still loves drinking wine, cooking and enjoying good food together with friends, and on the other hand he works and fights for a better and more sustainable power generation. Therefore events like this are a good change to link and integrate the views of the generation of the future. If there are no such events, in Germany exist many environmental youth organisations like (Greenpeace; Bundjugend, …. ) in which Jochen irregularly helps to organize different actions or meetings.
It is very hard to describe Jochen and so I will start with some keyword which his friends maybe would use to describe him or link with his person:
Big bear, bicycles, black hole, trusty, awkward, renewable energies, wood, foreign countries,...