About me
My name is Imran Mazher s/o Justin Mazher and i am graduated from University of Sargodha and hopefully in September 2009 i will start my MBA(HRM). I love to make friends especially from abroad.I love traveling.I love to help others.I am also interested for work Voluntarily/job for an international NGO.I want to make contribution to make this world peaceful that's why i am working with URI.I am also working women rights media advocacy.WWW.nohonour.org,www.care2.com,www.stophonourkillgs.com
voluntarily within my limited resources.I am also executive Member and Fact Finding Team Incharge of an Organization named Rays of Development(ROD) Organization Sargodha Pakistan.
,” Rays of Development Organization"(ROD) Sargodha Pakistan is a registered organization under the societies Act 1860 since December 2006.Rays of Development Organization is focused on Health, Education, Women and Gender Development, Children’s Right, Create Interfaith peace and harmony, Safe Drinking water and Clean Environment.
Rays of Development Organization have a street theater team. ROD performs theaters on different issues voluntarily.Here is few links,
1.http://www.flickr.com/photos/11026729@N07/sets/72157602220757335/ (Theater on Environment day)
2.http://www.flickr.com/photos/11026729@N07/sets/72157601253274705/ (Theater on Women day)
3.http://www.flickr.com/photos/11026729@N07/sets/72157608510928563/ (Theater on TB)
4.http://www.flickr.com/photos/11026729@N07/sets/72157609685944485/(Theater on TB)
ROD also working voluntarily with The Asia Foundation(TAF).Volunteers of ROD arranged TB awareness sessions in different school and colleges of Sargodha with the collaboration of TAF.I am also sending you few links to watch our snaps.
Rays of Development Organization is also working for women and children right and media advocacy.
1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/11026729@N07/sets/72157605974339484/
2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/11026729@N07/sets/72157604179688463/
3. http://www.stophonourkillings.com/?name=News&file=article&sid=3365
4. http://www.care2.com/news/member/223461843/1044533
5. http://www.nohonor.org/?p=693
6. http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/headlinenewsd.php?hnewsid=862
Many more activities arranged by members and volunteers collection. You can check our website. ROD is a bunch of honest, hardworking and educated youth.
1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/11026729@N07/sets/72157613108784543/
2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/11026729@N07/sets/72157601253271847/
You can also visit our website,
My name is Imran Mazher s/o Justin Mazher and i am graduated from University of Sargodha and hopefully in September 2009 i will start my MBA(HRM). I love to make friends especially from...