About me
my name is hassan,i'm 32 years old,married with a 4 years baby boy. my ancestors migrated from the southern region of senegal(casamance) to the western region of the smilling coast of africa(the gambia) where i was born in 1978 in bullock(fonny).in early 80's i was sent back for Quranic studies where i get the privilege to join french school up to living certificate level which give me the heritage of these two international languages(french and english).the lack of sponsor contrained me to abandoned the classes and come back to the Gambia where i'm living for more than a decade now.
my hobbies:
* sport (foot ball and basket ball)
* music (african and jamaican with two reggae stars ADMIRAL TIBET -GLEN WASHINGTON)
I like culture with all it diversity.
I want to focused my education in LANGUAGES ;the geneses and the movements of the communities.i like sharing point of views in all kinds of topics to find solutions for a better futur.in general ending my carrier in human ressources(humanitarian and human rights.
my name is hassan,i'm 32 years old,married with a 4 years baby boy. my ancestors migrated from the southern region of senegal(casamance) to the western region of the smilling coast of africa(the gambia) where i was born in 1978 in...