About me
About Graduate Council
Graduate Council is a non-political and non-governmental organization of graduate people with professional, social, industrial or academic experience, joining together to promote the social activity that focuses on standards, education social welfare, anti-corruption, human rights and various policy issues. Its member organizations and individual members in all over India & world represent a veritable who’s who of the Graduate community.
1. The aim of organization is to unite all the graduates and to bring them on a single platform as a ‘Coherent Force’.
2. It will build graduates skills, supports the implementation of their actions for socialchange and advocates for graduate’s rights.
3. Council will persuade the governments to make policies keeping in the mind interest of graduates.
4.Through its structure and members council organizes, Participates and Supports local, state, national & international campaigns and advocates initiatives to create public awareness and to put pressure to governments and other political bodies to promote the graduates welfare programmes.
5. As a catalyst to national & international civil society, are council promotes aspirations, new ideas and policy action designed to transform development priorities towards a society which is graduate people centered, sustainable, democratic, just and inclusive.
6. Purpose of council is to advance and refine the theory and a coherent practice of sustainable human development & to undertake comprehensive graduates development initiatives.
7. To undertake man-making program by introducing advance socialization process & to identify policy option.
8. Council is run by graduate people, for the empowerment of graduates. Council is a national & international network of graduate change leaders and activists in country & abroad. It will works at a local,national & international level to build a peaceful, sustainable and equitable.
9.To create platform to exchange and renew developmental information, initiatives and Experiences.
10. To create constructive dialogue and to empower graduates forgreater community self-reliance.
11. We are a national & global forum of graduates concerned with development, which is participative, pluralistic and dynamic.
12.To encourage and promote the introduction of moral and Ethical Education in school, college and universities including education for good citizenship and democracy.
13. To promote public awareness and realization of citizen’s Duties and Right & organize social awareness campaigns on important topics.
14. To conduct research and dialogue on policy issue through creating forums for policy advocacy.
15. We ensure the participation of graduates in community-based development programmes and all other extracurricular activities, which are necessary for their over-all personality.
16. Council will work on egalitarian basis and there would not be any discrimination on the ground of caste, creed, religion and region.
17. The council will create awareness against communalism ,racism through its various programmes
and it will unite the people of different religions on the ground of nationalism. It will reinforce national-integration and bring forth the best of the graduates.
18. The most important component of the graduate council programme is to eradicate both rural and urban unemployment.
19. To campaign for the Eradiation of corruption form politics, Government administratoin, business, industry, civil society and daily lives of people.
20. As a coalition builders we will work cooperatively with all individual and groups, with for profit and not for profit corporations and organizations and with government, state & national bodies committed of the fight against corruption, subject only to the policies and priorities set by our governing bodies.
21. To undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and ex-pression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights.
22. Campaigns to promote awareness of the values contained in the universal Declaration of Human Rights and other nationally & internationally agree standards of human rights & campaigning and encouraging people to accept that all human rights must be protected.
23. Create awareness and educating the people about the ill effects of alcoholism and drug abuse on the individual, the family and the society at large and to evolve culture-specific models for the prevention of drug abuse and the treatment and rehabilitation of addicts.
24. To create and popularizes environmental awareness amongst the masses through workshops, seminars, training, as well as multimedia and the internet for raising issues concerning the socio-economic status of nation.
25. To strive for the active involvement of people in development activities that benefit them, training the development into a people’s programme.
26. Established a national & international center to promote volunteering and conduct a "time-donation" campaigning by people pledge a few hours of voluntary service to various projects.
27. To help develop in the youths qualities of discipline, self-reliance, justice and fair-play, a burning concern for public weal, sporting spirit and above all, a scientific temper in their modes of thinking and action which interlaid, will enable them to combat superstition, obscurantism, and the numerous social ills that beset the Nation.
28. To provide the youth with maximum access to education which, in addition to developing their all-round personality imparts appropriate professional and vocational training with a view to enabling them to avail of employment and self-employment opportunities to make the youth aware of international issues and involve them in promoting world peace.
29. To Create awareness of our history, freedom struggle, national & international development, achievements of modern science and technology and their applicability in overcoming socio-economic constraints and achieving faster progress, without losing our cultural identity and spiritual strength.
30. For the development of graduates we implement, analyze, articulates and support policy options favouurable to graduates.
31. To safe guard the human right of children, eliminate child labor through provision of community mobilization and education.
32. To create sustainable system for empowerment and livelihood for the poor and disadvantage, especially woman, to create awareness on various issues related to local and national envronment, exploitation and in-justices and poverty alleviation.
33. Promotion community health through various interventions.
About Graduate Council
Graduate Council is a non-political and non-governmental organization of graduate people with professional, social, industrial or academic experience, joining together to promote the social activity that focuses on...
This is a space for GRADUATE to share inspiration, information, and opportunities for involvement with global impact.