About me
After growing up occasionally homeless, then in a low-income community where my family and friends was the subject of much volunteerism, I started working as volunteer for the people in many areas like developing a tutoring and mentoring program for the rural youth and women, and assisting many voluntary organizations in the rural area, training them on ICTs, sustainable environment and how to help the physically challenged. I promoted volunteerism to all kinds of people. However, my most riveting experience came when I served as state co-coordinator for International Association for Volunteer Effort where I was responsible for recruiting and teaching young and old people about volunteering. I discovered that the language of "service" covered an attitude that was pious at best; at worst, it perpetuated a sense of “noblesse oblige” - the royalty, taking pity on the peasants and giving them alms.
After growing up occasionally homeless, then in a low-income community where my family and friends was the subject of much volunteerism, I started working as volunteer for the people in many areas like developing a tutoring and mentoring program...