About me
I was born in Ebute Metta, Lagos Mainland on 27th of September 198*(something). I live in the suburbs of
Ogun State and Lagos state, Nigeria. I am currently attending University of the People in an
effort to obtain an associate bachelors degree in computer science. My mum is an officer with the Lagos state civil service commission in the ministry of Education as HOD Mathematics. She has been serving the commission for over 25years.I have been highly influenced by her spiritually, academically and financially. We call her ‘Iya Maths’ meaning ‘Mother of Mathematics’ this in turn means she is the best woman in the world to me.
My dad is a student counselor at the National Open University of Nigeria. He has been my counselor in many ramifications such as Academics, Social and Financial. ‘Baba Yoruba’ as we call him remains a source of inspiration in my life. Both DAD and MUM has been bedrock of any success I find myself. They give all support to all future ambitions. They never make me and my siblings lack nothing within their reach. My life so far is comprised of a wonderful family, great friends and a sincere dedication to my education and work.
My Life
My name is Aderibigbe Adedeji David and I grew up in Ebute Metta and Meiran area in Lagos respectively. At the age of 16 I began to realize the importance of education and Computer. By the time I was 18 had enrolled in a road side computer training centre to acquire some computer basic skills. I realized that being competence in interpersonal communication shall immensely contribute to my future pursuit, I there after went for many personal development conferences and joined several humanitarian organization such as Nigerian Redcross and Positive outreach foundation in which several projects has been completed. I have actively participated being a field officer, coordinator and supervisor.
Practically I have special interest in blogging, swimming, traveling, meeting and entertaining people, therefore haven acquired a B.sc in TOURISM STUDIES at the National Open University of Nigeria has fostered my interest. Due to this cause I have an Entertainment Platform called DEJIMANAIRE KING ENTERTAINMENT http://DejimanaireKingEnt.BlogSpot.com . I cannot see myself ever giving up these hobbies of mine as it provides a way for me to show my creative and innovative side. At a glance I see my pursuit in Computer science, Movie Making and Video editing capable in a well rounded ability to success in any future environment I find myself.
My Conclusion:
As I stated in the beginning, I have always placed a great importance on education and computer, these had given me drive to learn more and excel in life. I would hope that through all of my
experiences in my personal and as well my professional life that this will provide the
foundation on which my family, community and my country can develop and succeed. I feel a great need to practice what I preach and in telling people I come in contact with that education remains vital to their success. For those who know me, they can testify that my actions speak louder than my words because I have expressed hard work, effectiveness and efficiency in my domestic and outdoor duties. Because of my experiences, I believe I shall be better suited
to provide for myself and family monetarily, educationally and morally.
I hope you enjoyed reading my autobiography. I want to believe you have been inspired by my principles in such that it shall contribute to your success morally.
I aspire to solve unsolved problems.
Liable for my actions and also bearing in my mind that life is a journey in which I shall continue to learn always.
Most Importantly, I enjoy and live my life to the fullest because life is so short.
Unfortunately, you can't know me more unless you get close to me.
Please do the pleasure of visiting my Job search Blog at http://Jobpull.Blogspot.com
I was born in Ebute Metta, Lagos Mainland on 27th of September 198*(something). I live in the suburbs of
Ogun State and Lagos state, Nigeria. I am currently attending University of the People in an
effort to obtain an associate bachelors degree in...