About me
Anais Nin said, “life shrinks or expands to the degree of our courage.” With courage we can go outside realms of comfort and discover the scope and connectivity of the world we live in. The greater our worlds become the more opportunities we have for meaningful engagement. If we can learn to engage this world with an understanding of its integrated nature, we will be able to move the story forward thoughtfully.
After graduating from Ithaca college in 1999, I traveled to 43 countries on 6 continents and 42 of our United States. I slept on family’s beds, couches and floors from India to Cuba. I worked organic farms from Nicaragua to New Zealand, I camel-backed through India’s Thar Desert, escaped flash floods in Maui and dodged gunfire in Kathmandu.
Through these experiences and many others, I grew intellectually, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually at a rate more condensed, meaningful and inspired than I believe I could have at Harvard.
Not only did I learn economics, anthropology, agriculture, health care, politics, sociology, language, religion and spirituality but I learned self-reliance, compassion and the connectivity of it all.
It is the last with which I am most interested.
I feel, as a society, we are moving toward the complexities of technology and away from the complexities of humanity. People are becoming hyper-specialized at delving deep into minutia without regard for the whole.
This is why I’ve created Echoing Seeds.
Echoing Seeds is a school that will provide an environment of hands-on intercultural experience and personal development for 18-25 year old leaders from Kentucky to Kenya. These students will learn about each other and themselves while being endowed with the tools to take these experiences and translate them into global action.
The school will graduate integrated leaders who think systematically and act critically to affect our world with perspective, empathy, innovation and passion.
If we can perceive the world as a living, connected organism that we are an integral part of, we will see our actions reach deeply our positively across the world.
Anais Nin said, “life shrinks or expands to the degree of our courage.” With courage we can go outside realms of comfort and discover the scope and connectivity of the world we live in. The greater our worlds become the more opportunities we...