About me
Bahawal Nagar District is one of the biggest district of Punjab province in Pakistan. The district is situated on the Indo-Pakistani border, before the partition of the sub-continent, Bahawal Nagar was a part of Bahawalpur state governed by the Nawab of Bahawalpur. The city of Bahawal Nagar is the capital of the district.
• History
• District Boundaries
• Administration
• Population and Literacy rate
• Tribes & Clans
• Industry
• Climate & Vegetation
Bahawal Nagar was part of Jona Garh state (era of Indian sub-continent before partition). Later, it become a part of Bahawal Nagar State. After partition, the Nawab of Bahawalpur had to decide whether the territory should join India or Pakistan. The Nawab of Bahawalpur announced the affiliation with Pakistan because 99% of the population was Muslim. Later on, the whole state became part of the Punjab province. The city is known as Shaher-e-Wafa. The old name of Bahawal Nagar was Rojhan Waal".
District Boundaries
The boundaries of Bahawal Nagar District in the East and South touches Indian territory while, the river Sutlej flows on its Northern side across which are situated Okara, Pakpattan and Vehari districts.
The District of Bahawal Nagar is spread over an area of 8,878 square kilometers comprising five tehsils and 118 Union Councils[1]:
Tehsil name No of Unions
Bahawal Nagar
Fort Abbas
Total 118
Population and Literacy rate
The population of Bahawal Nagar, according to the 1998 census of Pakistan, is 2,061,447 of which 18.80%. The sub-campus of Islamia University is also located here. The classes of BBA, MBA, BCS and MCS had started in the sub campus.
One of the student of Bahawal Nagar Mr. Muhammad Danish Mahboob Khan S/o Mr. Mahboob Ahmed Khan, currently holds the record qualification for District Bahawal Nagar.
His career highlights are as under;
Higher National Certificate in Business & IT (Pursuing UK)
BSC (Advanced Computer Studies)
BA (Additional Economics)
35 Computer Courses from Pakistan
36 Courses from Allama Iqbal Open University
25 different Courses from Pakistan
23 American Information Technology Certifications
More than 8 Years Professional Experience in Computer Hardware and Networks at my home country
More than 2 year gulf experience in Human Resource Management, technical and Information System Support.
Beside this, the literacy rate of Bahawal Nagar is less than 25% and unemployment rate is much higher than 25%.
Tribes & Clans
The main tribes of the district are the various sections of the Khakwani,the Rahmani, the Johiya, the Wattu, the Bhatti, the Arain, the Ranghars, the Mahar Jat and other Jat clans.
The banks of the Sutlej are mainly held by the Khakwani, Johiya, Wattu and Mahar Jat. They are collectively refred to as Hitharis.
The areas irrigated by canals are held by Punjabi settlers, mainly Jat, Arain, Rajput (including Ranghar) and Gujjar.
The Cholistan region is home mainly to Bohar qand Meghwal tribes, the latter being Hindu.
The Dollat pur Village is a papular village of Khakwani's Cast at Minchinabad road near Molawala Gala at about Seven Km far for Bahawal Nagar. The Main Landloard of the village is Muhammad Hakoomat Khan Khakwani s/o Abdur Raziq Khan Khakwani. He is also Lambardar of the Dollatpur village. He is great Politition also. The other Landloard of this village is Majid Khan Khakwani , Sadiq Khan Khakwani, and Abdur Rahman Khan Khakwani
Mina Muhammad Akram Wattoo is a popular Plolitation in Minchin Abad Bahawal Nagar and he belong to Village Hasil Saru. Mr. karam wattoo contest many time for MPA.
Mian Ameer Hamza Wattoo Advocate is also a prominent Politation in Minchin Abad, Mr. Ameer Hamza Wattoo become the President of Pakistan Peoples Party in 1976 and serve almost 30 Years. He become the Chairman Ushar Zakat Tech. Minchin Abad in 2001.
Mr. Noor Nabi Wattoo S/O Mian Ammer Hamza Wattoo Assistant Audit Officer in AGP office Islamabad
Hasil saru is a very famous Village of Minchin Abad (BWN) Mian Maqbool Ahmed Wattoo is the NAZIM of Hasil Saru UC.
Main Towns:Dolat pur, Kharajpura, Donga Bonga, Takhat Mehal, Mandi Sadiq Gunj, Faqirwali, Madrisa, Dahranwala, Yateemwala, Qaziwala and Bukhshan Khan, Bala Arain, Fateh Kot and Jenjeranwali, Maharwali.
Main Crops: Sugarcane, Cotton, Wheat, Rice and Mustard Seed
Main Fruits: Citrus, Guavas, Mangoes and Dates
Main Vegetables: Cauliflower, Onion, Turnip, Carrot, Potatoes and Tomatoes
Forest (Area in Acres: 24,195
Major Industries: Cotton Ginning & Pressing, Flour Mills, Marble Industry, Oil Mills, Paper & Paper Board, Rice Mills, Sugar, Tea Blending and Textile Spinning.
The region's problems can be overcome by establishing new industries in the city to alleviate the problem of unemployment. Another problem is ignorance which can be solved by keeping the educational institutions in order. The main problem they have to face is the unavailability of sui gas. Problems and unemployment can be overcome by providing sui gas to them. The roads leading to the district Bahawal Nagar are very rough. But nowadays, this city is progressing by leaps and bounds. Students of the city are very intelligent. The need of the day is to provide good transport and roads facility to the district of Punjab which is the largest district of Punjab by area."
Climate & Vegetation
Bahawal Nagar has a very hot and dry climate in summer. The maximum temperature touches 52 °C. The climate in winter is very dry and cold. The minimum temperature recorded was 6 °C. Wind and storms are quite common during the summer. The average annual rainfall in the district is 119 mm. The district may be divided into three parts. These are the riverain area, the canal irrigated plain and the desert area. The riverain area of the district lies close to the Satluj river which flows in the North-West along its border with Okara, Pakpattan, Sahiwal and Vehari districts. The land in this area is irrigated by non-perennial canals. During the summer monsoons, the area is generally in-undated by the river water. The canal irrigated area is a plain which has been brought under cultivation by the canals. The main canal which is Sadqia canal irrigate almost all the tehsils except Chishtian. This canal travels in round with the border of Pakistan and India. The desert area of the district is called the Cholistan. The surface of this desert consists of a succession of sand dunes, rising in places to a height of 150 metres. It is covered with the vegetation peculiar to the sandy tracts.
Bahawal Nagar is one of the hottest areas in the country. Typically the temperature reaches 50 °C (122 °F) in the summer.
Bahawal Nagar District is one of the biggest district of Punjab province in Pakistan. The district is situated on the Indo-Pakistani border, before the partition of the sub-continent, Bahawal Nagar was a part of Bahawalpur state governed by the...
Urdu, Punjabi
This is a space for Bahawal to share inspiration, information, and opportunities for involvement with global impact.

Bahawal has engaged 4 people!
1 |
Danish Khan |
2 |
Pilot Baloon Observatory BWN |
3 |
Ghulam |
4 |
Danish Khan IT Professional BWN |