About me
Bogdan was born in Austria in 1988. He didn’t attend primary school but was educated by his amazing mother at home. (home schooling) from 1999 – 2007 he attended the BRG Steyr (middle and high school) were he graduated with honors. In October 2008 he will start studying Physics at the University of Vienna.
Recently he is doing his civil service (Zivildienst) at a refugee house. In the Maradonna house he is working with and supporting these young asylum seekers, 15-18 years old, who fled on their own to Austria.
From 2004-2006 Bogdan was chief editor of the school magazine “Copyright”, which was recognized as one of the top-ten school magazines in Austria by Youth Press Austria (JPÖ). In 2006 he started to work with Service For Peace. In 2007 he was one of the founding members of Service For Peace Austria. Bogdan is engaged in several projects and initiatives in the fields of Refugees/Integration and Youth Empowerment in the Middle East.
Since August 2006 Bogdan is working as freelance journalist. Since October 2006 he is football (soccer) trainer for the under8 team of “Vorwärts Steyr”.
"I live to love and love it to live!"
"Auch Bananen leben in Rom"
"When you look into yourself you will find something of vast value, something like a source the origin ... God"
"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was."
"The message of Service For Peace is living for the sake of others. It's about building a new cultural paradigm and breaking down the barriers, not by word but by action."
"The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear."
// Aung San Suu Kyi
"Die meisten Menschen sehen in dem Problem des Liebens in erster Linie das Problem, selbst geliebt zu werden, und nicht so sehr das Problem des Liebens, der eigenen Fähigkeit zu lieben."
// Erich Fromm
"Wären nicht wir, jeder einzelne von uns, so korrupt, ungerecht und gleichgültig, könnte sich unsere Obrigkeit ihr Verhalten nicht erlauben."
// Ute Bock
"Treibst du mich auch manches Mal in den Wahnsinn ... wenn du dort auf mich wartest will ich genau da hin."
// Fettes Brot (wunderbare Liebeserkärung)
"Für die, die die und nicht nur sich an der Kultur Bereichern"
// Freundeskreis (Definition eines guten Musikers)
Bogdan was born in Austria in 1988. He didn’t attend primary school but was educated by his amazing mother at home. (home schooling) from 1999 – 2007 he attended the BRG Steyr (middle and high school) were he graduated with honors. In October 2008...