About me
Hello fellow TIG Webizens!!! my story of youth activism began when I was in college and joined the Rotaract club as a volunteer, my classmates told me it was waste of time but I carried on with my conviction, Lo and behold the crusade has taken me places, widened my horizons and virtually propelled me into my active endeavors for Peace, inter faith dialogue & sustainable development.
Going back into personal history it was news about the sale of blood in a local newspaper that propelled me to initiate an awareness campaign in my college about voluntary blood donation and I was one of the pioneers of “Youth Blood Donors Campaign”. It was a campaign aimed to raise awareness about safe blood and voluntary donation among the college and university students. I always remember my fellow team-mates who were always there to find donors in college and friends circles when somebody needed blood in any city hospital.
That is all history now, much before that after completing my school education I joined Khalsa College in the city of Amritsar(India), where I went on to complete the Master degree program in Agricultural Science. It is there that I met some of the dynamic and multifaceted talented young creative personalities and and then for 8 years we together worked for different social causes like promition of voluntary blood donation, eye donation, tree plantation, literacy, against drug addiction, polio vaccination and host of other voluntary programs especially involving youth.
Over the years I have moved from local to international organizations and presently associated with the following voluntary organizations- Earth Charter Youth Initiative, ROTARACT, EARTH CHARTER, Religions for Peace, United Religions Initiative & UNITED SIKHS.
The issues of my specific interest are- Peace, Inter-faith dialogue, Sustainable Agriculture, Global Food Security, Sustainable Development, Climate Change & environment. I am inclined towards community service and am a strong advocate for sustainable agriculture and development at rural grassroots level. I love to spare time for involvement in voluntary eye & blood donation campaigns, tree plantation drives, polio eradication program, motivating the youth for peace & development through lecture series. An active crusader in community service and skills development at the grassroots level, active participant in anti-pollution drives, propagating knowledge about sustainable agriculture, organic farming and crop diversification.
It was in 2004 when I was selected to join UNITED SIKHS [an International Human Development organization] my international exposure began. I am currently the Youth, Inter-faith & Community Development Coordinator for the organization. In the organization I have been working for the Inter-faith issues, campaigns against drugs & anti addiction efforts, student aid programs through scholarships and support programs.
A member of the Asian Youth Interfaith Network "ACT" team for the Asia-Pacific region of The World Conference of Religions for Peace. I attended the Summit of Asian youth leaders for Peace in Singapore and was representative of SIKH youth at the Ist World Youth Assembly of Religions for Peace in Hiroshima (Japan) in August 2006, also attended the VIIIth World Assembly of Religions for Peace in Kyoto (Japan); was invited to attend Earth Charter Summit in Amsterdam (Netherlands) in November 2005 & The Summit of Asian Religious Youth Leaders for Peace in Indonesia in July 2005. I was past Chairman of International Services Committee of Rotaract in Rotary Distt.3070 and District Secretary Communication & Web-services. I have also been the past President of Rotaract Club Khalsa College Amritsar (India).
I am a part of International Youth Team at Earth Charter Youth Initiative (ECYI) and working to promote Earth Charter in my community & regions. Recently the City of Amritsar recognized me as “Sikh Youth Ambassador for Peace” and also the NGO -'Amritsar Vikas Manch' honoured me as "City Youth Icon" in 2008.
I however can be categorized as a freelance youth activist & like to pursue creative, active and engaging things in life. From my hobbies, gardening is my favorite one, I can be termed as a computer freak, an amateur photographer, avid traveller and a book worm. I have always been a voiceferous vote against female foeticide/infanticide- a rampant social malady in India.
I like multi-tasking and always look for avenues to get involved in various creative activities, working with people for issues that affect us as global human race on this planet. My dream projects are "Each One Plant One" & "PEACE VISION PROJECT".
I firmly believe that "PEACE cannot be brought about with empty BELLIES" and the "Advent of Civilization depended on Agriculture and so is its future...". I feel concerned that people still remain hungry as food doesn't reach the needy though there is adequate food production. I wish that people never sleep hungry and we are able to eliminate poverty and illiteracy-the the root causes of disease & lack of development.
My sincere wish is that the youth awaken, arise & work together for a world free from weapons of mass destruction & resolve the conflicts peacefully “LET THE PEACE PREVAIL” and we be the hargringers of YOUTH FOR PEACE & DEVELOPMENT.
Hello fellow TIG Webizens!!! my story of youth activism began when I was in college and joined the Rotaract club as a volunteer, my classmates told me it was waste of time but I carried on with my conviction, Lo and behold the crusade has taken me...
English, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi
This is a space for Anantdeep to share inspiration, information, and opportunities for involvement with global impact.

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Sarah Talcott |
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