About me
Ola'lekan is one of the numerous TakingItglobal [TIG] online volunteers from around the world, passionate about global issues and committed to making TakingItglobal the best place for young people to engage in developmental activities online. He is a TIG Online Volunteer Leader (OV Leader), Globalization Team Member and Media Team Member.
Olalekan is also a member of the United Nations online volunteer for New Hope for Girls, Tanzania as part of the Social Media Team - www.newhopeforgirls.org/our-team
Email Ola'lekan at:
Thumb Ups:
"...your work is outstanding and YOU are outstanding. Thank you for all you do in the world..."
"...your goals are very consistent with those of ABC4All as we are all volunteers operating with NO funding...I added u to the aBC4All Project on TIG and now will send you email with lots of links to explore as time allows."
Burton Danet, Ph.D.,
United States(via Facebook chat/12-09-2010)
A Better Community for All.
" ... several months ago we successfully launched our first official web site. Our web designer was Olalekan Babatunde, a volunteer provided to us from Grassroots.org. Not only did he develop the site; he remains in touch with us on a regular basis for technical support and web maintenance. All of this has been done for Harambee at no cost. I have also received fundraising tips, and information about non profit development through Grassroots.org. Keep up the good work!!!. You are greatly appreciated."
- Make'da Fatou Na'eem
Founder / C E O
The Harambee Leadership Academy, Inc
Hi Babz,
I'm impressed with your profile ... socially aware about global issues and very much active to address such concerns at your age....
Philippines or our world for that matter would need so many people like you...
-Joven Paulo
BPO Training Institution,
General Manager
Manila / Baguio, Philippines
Member, U.N.Y.A.P. (United Nations Youth Association of the Philippines).
More comments;
Hey there, checked your profile and .... I like your energy and your mission. I've done similar work in Jamaica. I'd like to make the connection...(edited)l.
-O'Neil Simpson, Jamaica
Good thing u are doing my brother...i wish you the best.
- Samuel Owolabi. Johannesburg, South Africa
Hey, I am interested in learning more about your group. The world needs more people like you in order to make a difference!
-Sarah, Canada
Great guy. Keep up the good works!
Lekan, this is good work... am always happy when I see people, especially Nigerians, making positive impact... (edited).
- Fasoranti, Nigeria
Lekan, you have a worthy idea that should be supported. It is all about helping to better the lot of our people. Looking forward to hear from you. cheers.
- Fred Cris, Nigeria
Ola'lekan is one of the numerous TakingItglobal [TIG] online volunteers from around the world, passionate about global issues and committed to making TakingItglobal the best place for young people to engage in developmental activities online. He...