About me
(When you haven't got what you like, you must like what you have)
A famouse proverb that makes me feel it was made for me.
That's because i have always liked to be in the university -for exsample- But the fact is that i'm working to help my familly, i have desired to be in my home land, but i'm stranger.
These are some stuffs i liked, and still. but though they are not comming true, i'm not getting pisimistic, and will never give up being determined to like what i have.
The "Inspire inform involve" word was my guide to take action in my local community, and to develope my skills and knowleges, that was no more than a dream, but it comes true, the lmittel boy who had littel hops become today a Peace actevits, that was i'm, i work for more than one organization, but i work for one aim, it's peace.
i don't know how to see Thanks to TIG, it was the place that i loved, the place that i get some skills and knowleges, the place where i get inspiration, may be if i help others i can pay it back, or pay it forward,
Thank you Taking It Global
(When you haven't got what you like, you must like what you have)
A famouse proverb that makes me feel it was made for me.
That's because i have always liked to be in the university -for exsample- But the fact is that i'm working to help my...