About me
I have no riches to give to the World, Yet I pledge to dedicate my Life , my time , my skills, my knowledge, all that I have , all that Iam and all that I do.I wish to unite my life , my hands , my knowledge with the all the World a better place to live in , making a better tommorrow.
Iam a former Information Technology Student of Copperstone Univerty of Zambia. I have great passion for social change .And my areas of interest are Youth unemployment and entreprenuership, Computer Literacy Training for children ,, youth and adults, ICT4SD,Improving people's livelihoods, Sustainable development , HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention e.t.c.
After I finished my tertiary education ,I started working for a local Insurance Company as a Sales Executive where I was trained for this job and worked mainly in marketing and sales on the company products .
After about months of service and learning with this company ,I started coordinating a Computer Literacy Training program with a local community school as a Volunteer Staff. Instructing children who are the pupils of this school in basic computer skills and in and extention program Instructing the Community members , school leavers , those who are in occupation , low level literate ,women ,generally residents from all walks of life. Preparing the training program , arranging for certification, comunity and resource mobilisation , creating awareness on the use of ICTs as catalyst to individual and community social and economic development ,are some of the tasks involved in this work at this community school. At the Same time working for an Internet Cafe on Part time . Am still working with this community school ,on this program .
I was enganged as a Volunteer and Action Partner with Voice of the Youth Project Zambia, A local NGO ,working as advocates and works hand in hand with the Ministry of Education to meet the Education For All (EFA) goals, and in other projects .Voice of the Youth Project Zambia has partnered with other international organisations like Oxfam Australia ,Oxfam Grait Britain, Common Wealth Funds .e.t.c. and is currently running a Community capacity building project; Community Empowerment Skills Training Project in different Districts of the country.Iam working here as an Instructor in Computer Studies , and as an IT officer .
I worked in partnership with a Business Foundation and Consultancy Company in Collaboration with a local Training Institute in an Onsite Computer Skills Training Project for Basic School Teachers at a reduced cost.
Iam also the Programs Coordinator for Youth Skills for Development a Community Based Organisation based in Kitwe in Zambia, commonly known as St.John's Youth Skills for Development .
Before forming this organisation I worked in the community as a Youth Leader and about 3 years as a leader in the youth ministry of the church I go to. I realy have passion for the community , not only mine , but where ever there are youths in need and underprivileged citizens other than the Youth.I believe Involving the youth and any other citizens in need , in the planning and implementation of initiatives to solve the problems they are facing will make it possible , to achieve the most beneficial results. I also believe that Technology alone can not create change , but Information and Communication Technology besides other activities such as Vocational skills training , graduate/artisan support , artisan capacity building , networking, and any other activities that are relevant,can help us achieve.Community technology can be provided through telecentre/community technology centres , these which should also have a wide range of activities so that they can also serve as public spaces.Community Technology can best be used as a catalyst to lasting social change.When providing skills training , it should be besides other information provision like entreprenuership and support of graduates in terms of tools and the facilitation of these activities carefully would lead to great achievements .For the Poor Labour in its crudest form is the only available resource and adding value to it would be the only way out of poverty.
The future is Ours.
The Youth are the Wheel that drives the World and the day we will sleep , the World will collapse.
I have no riches to give to the World, Yet I pledge to dedicate my Life , my time , my skills, my knowledge, all that I have , all that Iam and all that I do.I wish to unite my life , my hands , my knowledge with the all the World a better place...
English, Bemba, Nyanja
This is a space for Simon to share inspiration, information, and opportunities for involvement with global impact.