About me
I am 23 year-old Palestinian young man who has lived all his life in a poverty-stricken refugee camp in the forever-war-torn Gaza Strip. As a new graduate of the English Department at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG), I feel full of energy to embrace life and love it ... just simply enjoy it and live it peacefully. I am so proud to be the only one amongst my siblings to have got the chance to go to college. My family and I have lived all our life, as many others in the Gaza Strip have, under hard and oppressive life conditions; poverty and war, security chaos and lawlessness.
Apparently, I was not born with silver spoon in my mouth but instead in an area where the interests and aspirations of youth are often interrupted and negated by the constant chaos and devastation due to on going conflict. However, in my opinion this fact can lead the Palestinian youth to work together in an effort to push the wheel of change forward and to persist in attempting to negotiate with whoever aims to topple their positive goals of a constructive and peaceful life. Therefore, I believe this website would be of the greatest value to have our voice heard.
Despite a great amount of effort, both national and international, the Israeli-Palestinian problem has been without a solution for many decades. In my opinion, solutions to the conflict could lie in the hands of an open-minded youth, who may be able to solve what the politicians could not. This possibility relies on and draws from the philosophy that change does not happen in government offices, but in the human arena.
As a peace seeker, I should bear in mind that in dialogue hope must be affirmed. In the midst of the many divisions, conflicts and violence there is hope that it is possible to create a human community that lives in justice and peace. Dialogue is not an end in itself. It is a means of building bridges of respect and understanding. It is a joyful affirmation of life for all.
Meanwhile, I am working as communications radio operator and English News Editor. I like my work so much, so I devote all my time just for my work and my friends.
I am 23 year-old Palestinian young man who has lived all his life in a poverty-stricken refugee camp in the forever-war-torn Gaza Strip. As a new graduate of the English Department at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG), I feel full of...