About me
My name is Alex. I am currently 13 years old and in grade eight at the wonderful school called Macklin P.S. in Toronto. Before I emigrated from Hong Kong, I had four years of education in which three of them are in kindergarten. The first year of my education was in day care, where I learned to play with my fellow classmates.
In school, my most frustrating and challenging subjects are language and history. I find the English very difficult to understand in both subjects. Out of the two subjects, I would rather choose language, because there is no need for as much memorization as in history, since I have very short-term memory. The subjects I find amusing, challenging and enjoyable are physical education, drama and dance, and math. Probably every student has physical educations as their number one favorite subject. I myself think it is very healthy and exciting to compete and exercise in gym. Although I cannot act in drama or dance, I enjoy it, because being somebody different and acting abnormally is an excellent feeling. That is the one subject where everybody could be free and do whatever they want. Math is not my strongest subject, but I find it very challenging and there will always be a right answer. When I find that right answer, I find that feeling very pleasant, knowing that I have accomplished something one hundred percent.
During my spare time, I usually play a lot of sports such as soccer, basketball, badminton, and swimming. My favorite sport out of the four is soccer. It is an action-packed sport where everybody is running and moving. I haven’t played basketball frequently for the past two years, therefore struggling with dribbling recently, but gradually improving. I started playing badminton when I was five, but haven’t been playing until two years ago. This summer, SARS was very dangerous in Toronto, therefore leaving me to stay at home the whole summer without getting into the water.
Other than sports, the computer is a very complicated and challenging thing to me. I spend almost half of my day on the computer, chatting on Msn Messenger, or just surfing the web for new updated software. I have been begging and persuading my parents to get a better and faster computer for at least three years but have not succeeded. Hope I have better luck in high school when I have “lots of homework” as an excuse… :)
On weekends, I spend one hour of my Saturday in math school, further improving my mathematical skills. After the hour of boring math school, I celebrate by cooking myself a tasty lunch. I usually cook fried dumplings with ginger and red vinegar, because of its wonderful taste and the little time it needs to be prepared and served. The dishes on the other hand, are pretty difficult to wash, since oil combined with red vinegar is just a pain in the neck!
I wish to be a computer programmer when I finish university and earn lots of money to spend and enjoy the rest of my life!
My name is Alex. I am currently 13 years old and in grade eight at the wonderful school called Macklin P.S. in Toronto. Before I emigrated from Hong Kong, I had four years of education in which three of them are in kindergarten. The first year...
English, Chinese (T), Chinese (T), French